A Saucy Dame

Classy, Sassy, A Bit Smartassy

Come and Sit A Spell


Well, hello there!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I am so glad you came.

I was born in the Midwest and relocated to Southern California some years ago. While I will always call the Midwest home, I have no plans to live there again. It is a good place, but I really don’t miss the snow and cold. Yes, I can find those here as well, but I can also avoid them (and I do).

There is just something about California that called me. When I came down here in the beginning it just felt like I was supposed to be here. So, now I am here and I love it.

It is wonderful to wake up and head to the beach (any day of the year). Even on chilly days, it is still spectacular. Of course, there are celebrities around and an occasion to run into them as well.

I have a restless soul so I don’t see myself settling down in any one place in California any time soon (no house hunting just yet). I love going for drives and seeing where the roads take me. On one occasion (okay more than one) I found myself in Lostville (not a real place). Somehow I always manage to get turned back in the right direction and sometimes I find some spectacular gems on my way back.

I could tell you that I’m crafty and I have a green thumb, so this blog will be filled with spectacular riches and a feast for the eyes—but that would be a lie. I had something I wanted to build—I really did want to build it—it sat in the box for ten YEARS—yeah, that didn’t say hours or months there—and then I touched one thing on it and broke a piece off. Or I could speak of my black thumb that is so wonderfully horrid that family and friends mentioned that I had killed yet another set of plants when in fact they were plastic. I can even kill nonliving plants.

So I will leave it at this—if I try my hand at anything crafty or try my luck with any more plants I will be sure to let you know and you can laugh along with me when disaster strikes (I am pretty sure it will). But until then, I will just sit for a spell and share my life and thoughts with my new friends.

Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and curl up for a chat…