A Saucy Dame

Classy, Sassy, A Bit Smartassy

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My Deodorant Experiment



This was something that I wondered if it would work or not but figured it might at least be manageable. I had some stick deodorant that was reaching the end. Instead of just throwing out the container, I thought I would try an experiment. I had cream deodorant that was sitting around, and I wasn’t interested in sticking my fingers in it and putting it on. I figured why not take the cream deodorant and put it in the empty stick deodorant container. So I turned the dial and lowered the plastic part that pushes deodorant out. I didn’t lower it all the way, just enough to scoop some of the cream deodorant in there. So I alternated between scooping deodorant in the stick container and lowering the plastic bottom until all the cream deodorant was in the stick.

Now here is where my smarts, brain, research abilities, and general common sense fail me. I put the deodorant in the refrigerator for awhile thinking somehow it might stiffen up. Sometimes I wonder about myself. So, that didn’t happen. I did get the bonus of having my sanity questioned when asked if I knew I put deodorant in the fridge.

So I then decided just to put it in the bathroom cabinet and let it settle for a while. As I said, sometimes I wonder about myself. I get up the nerve to try it and realize that, for the most part it works the same, you just turn the dial and the deodorant magically rises and then you can swipe it across your armpit and WOW! That was a serious amount of deodorant that went on my underarm. So I turn the dial down for the other underarm and WOW again….still a lot. So turn it all the way down and only let a very small portion towards the top. I end up getting to the point of just touching the stick to my armpit and not really wiping at all. I then start flapping my arms like a chicken to get it to spread around. Do I have a YouTube video of this? No. Will there be one? No.

What have I learned? Well, that probably wasn’t the best idea. I could search the internet and see if there is something to add to the cream deodorant to actually stiffen it up some, or I could just say…”Well, that was an experience I am not sure I am interested in having again.”