A Saucy Dame

Classy, Sassy, A Bit Smartassy

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Apple Crisp

Apple Crisp

What can you do with apples?

This was the question that I was asked when someone I knew had apples that weren’t getting eaten fast enough. The apples were getting to the point of getting soft and were becoming unappealing to eat by themselves. I said why not fruit crisp? Always delicious. Then there was the issue of looking at recipes online and trying to find a recipe that had the limited ingredients that were already available.

So I looked and found a nice, simple and delicious recipe. Now, there were changes to the one I made. For example, the recipe calls for 3 Granny Smith apples, cut into ½ in. dice. My recipe consisted of “all of the apples that are not going to get eaten, cut up, so they fit in the pan”. Additionally, the recipe called for cinnamon and nutmeg. My recipe omitted them because there wasn’t any. Yes, I could have gone out and bought some, but this would have most likely been the only recipe they would have been used in. Minus those few minor changes, the recipe stayed the same.

So it became:

All the apples no one was going to eat, cut up, so they fit in the pan

¾ c brown sugar

½ c old-fashioned oats

½ cup all-purpose flour

1/3 c butter softened

(original recipe: 3 Granny Smith apples, cut into ½-in dice, ¾ t cinnamon, ¾ t nutmeg)

I preheated the oven to 350⁰ and spread the apples in the pan I was using (recipe calls for 9-in square pan). I combined the flour and brown sugar, (you would put in spices here as well), stirred in the oats and cut up the butter and worked the mixture into a crumbly texture. This topping was spread over the apples, and it was placed in the oven for approximately 30 minutes.

After that time, I took the pan out of the oven and let it cool on the stove before placing the apples in a Tupperware container. Now they can have apple crisp for days!