A Saucy Dame

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Review: Are You Fully Charged? The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life by Tom Rath

Tom Rath Book

Tom Rath’s book is broken down into three sections – Meaning, Interactions and Energy. Each section builds upon the last to give you a whole body/energy boost. The book flow is easy to follow and broken up nicely with the sections/chapters.

Tom share’s his background, and how the events of his life shaped his thoughts and actions. He offers a call to action to look for meaning in life over the mere pursuit of happiness. Throughout the book, there are many ideas/concepts that would be great to ponder over some deep reflection. This is not a book to read and place back on the shelf, but a book to read and reflect on the message and how it applies to your life.

Every day and every interaction is a chance for a deeper more meaningful life, and Tom shows you how to recognize and tap into this. Part of your positive energy comes from who you surround yourself with and the way you interact with others. There is always a choice to make to see the positive or focus on the negative. Tom explains the importance of this choice, and what can happen when you focus on the positive.

One of the main points of the book is to take care of yourself. Make sure that you eat for health, get a great night’s sleep and remain active throughout the day. Each of these will have an effect on your energy level. We live in a grab-and-go meal society, where everything should be quick. Also, if we aren’t burning the midnight oil, we must not be productive enough. Tom wants you to review each of these areas of your life, and see how you can make changes that will produce a greater impact.

The book is a good choice for anyone looking to review the way they currently live, and for those ready to make a change. It offers the ability to review several areas of your life and offers ways to improve those areas.