A Saucy Dame

Classy, Sassy, A Bit Smartassy

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Instagram Made Me Do It: Macaroni & Cheese By Quinton Washington’s Mom

So, it’s been a minute since something on social media has caused me to run to the store to get the ingredients. But……. I saw a video on BuzzFeedTasty’s (@buzzfeedtasty) Instagram account, and off I went to the store! Quinton Washington shared his mother’s Macaroni & Cheese recipe. Here is my take on it.


  • 8 oz. mild yellow cheddar cheese
  • 8 oz. sharp cheddar cheese (his was white cheddar, mine was yellow cheddar)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk
  • 1 T kosher salt
  • 1 T sugar
  • 1 t black pepper
  • 1 (16 oz.) box elbow macaroni
  • 3 T butter (his was unsalted, mine was salted) – plus more for greasing the baking dish
  • 4 C shredded cheddar cheese


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Start a large pot of water heating to boil.
  • Cut cheese bricks into ½” cubes.  (I have no idea how big that is, so I just chunked mine.)
  • In a medium bowl, add eggs, milk, sugar, salt, and pepper–whisk to combine.
  • When water is boiling, add macaroni and cook for 5–8 minutes. (I cooked mine for 8 minutes.) Turn off the heat and let the macaroni sit in the hot water for 3 minutes until tender. (I gauged 3 minutes while I was doing the other prep work.)
  • Drain the macaroni and return it to the pot. (Here is where I drained the macaroni and then added the butter to the pan and the cheese. Then I re-read that I was supposed to put the macaroni back in the pan already–so I grabbed the macaroni and put it in the pan.)
  • Turn the heat to low, add the butter and the cheese to the macaroni. Stir until butter and cheese are melted.
  • Pour the macaroni into the 13 x 9 that you buttered. (Here is where I layered it. I put some macaroni in then added some of the cubed cheese, then added the rest of the macaroni, and then the cubed cheese on top.)
  • Add the egg and milk mixture and cubed cheese. (My cheese was already in there, and I just poured the egg and milk mixture over top). Carefully fold into the macaroni until well combined. (All I did was pour it over the top. I didn’t mix anything).
  • Bake for 25 – 30 minutes ( I did 30 minutes), or until cheese is bubbling and the top of the macaroni is golden brown.

A final note from me is–try and not eat the whole thing in one sitting. YES, I made this for MYSELF. Yes, it is 8 servings. Well, it is supposed to be 8 servings. I’m guessing my serving size is not the same. Let’s not get into that right now, though.