A Saucy Dame

Classy, Sassy, A Bit Smartassy

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They Come When You Are Not Looking


Your life runs. You get up, make the coffee, begin your day and get on with this thing called life. Sometimes you get out of your comfort zone and do something different. Other days you begin to forget what day it is. The days sometimes just run together. It is on the days out of your comfort zone that it happens.

You might notice someone new; strike up a conversation and then everything changes. You begin to notice there is life outside of your little cocoon. It is happening “out there”. You start to wonder what you have been missing out on. These people that you run across that are doing the things you said you wanted to do. Maybe you used the excuse that you didn’t have the time or the energy. Yet, you found someone doing it. Then you begin to wonder if they can….why can’t you?

You begin to study them, trying to determine how they found the time and the energy. Then you realize the harsh reality of it all. It is not that they ‘found’ the time, but they ‘made’ the time. Maybe got up a little earlier, gave up something else they wanted to do or just adjusted their schedule to fit it in. Then after they started, then it became a habit, and now they just do it. It has become a part of them. And here you still are just watching.

It became a part of them, but you haven’t yet seen it as a part of you. It is there and always was…..you just forgot….lost in your day…..safe in your cocoon. They come when you are not looking. Your past hopes, dreams and thoughts. What you wanted for yourself that you forgot along the way. You see them in the people around you when you take a moment to truly see the people around you. They are there to remind you of you— the idea of what you wanted for yourself and what can still happen. All you need to do is remember. Realize this is what you wanted for yourself and then make the plans to get it.

Every day is a new day, a chance to become the person you want to become. Take this day and run with it. Break free from the cocoon you have been living in and take charge of your future. Make it a great day to be you!