A Saucy Dame

Classy, Sassy, A Bit Smartassy

why i write

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Why I Write

… because I have things to say.

… because people told me that I have a story to tell.

… because I like to think about and discuss things.

… because I can tell other’s stories in new and different ways.

… because I want to.

… because I have so many things swimming around in my head.

… because it helps me gather my thoughts.

… because I feel compelled to.

… because I have stories in my head.

… because it calms me to share my thoughts.

…because I believe people want to hear what I have to say.

…because I can think better on paper.

…because I want to share my imagination and creativity.

…because kids like my silly stories.

…because adults like my stories too!

…because I want to share the beauty I see in the every day.

…because I am fascinated by EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.

…because I like to look at everyday things in a new way.

…because it’s my passion.