A Saucy Dame

Classy, Sassy, A Bit Smartassy

why i write

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Why I Write

… because I have things to say.

… because people told me that I have a story to tell.

… because I like to think about and discuss things.

… because I can tell other’s stories in new and different ways.

… because I want to.

… because I have so many things swimming around in my head.

… because it helps me gather my thoughts.

… because I feel compelled to.

… because I have stories in my head.

… because it calms me to share my thoughts.

…because I believe people want to hear what I have to say.

…because I can think better on paper.

…because I want to share my imagination and creativity.

…because kids like my silly stories.

…because adults like my stories too!

…because I want to share the beauty I see in the every day.

…because I am fascinated by EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.

…because I like to look at everyday things in a new way.

…because it’s my passion.




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Why Do We Contradict Ourselves With Children?


It is hard to be a good example for children when we follow the adage – do what I say, not what I do. We tell children not to smoke, yet there we are smoking. We tell children they have to watch what they eat, and we’ve already eaten a sleeve and a half of Oreos. Then there is the whole – don’t talk to strangers – conversation. We tell the children not to talk to people they don’t know and then we tell them that a bunny will run through the house or yard and hide treats for them. Then we add that they will never see the bunny. Or that sitting on the man’s lap with the red suit and white beard is no problem, even though they are too young to know who this is. He will also be going through the house and yard, and they won’t see him either. Let’s not forget the tooth fairy who comes into their room and places their hand under the child’s pillow, take’s their tooth and leaves them money. In the beginning, every single one of these people is a stranger. Children are told that each of these people will interact with them by leaving them treats or money, yet the child will never see them in the house.

I am not saying that there can’t be fun with children, fantasy and tradition. I am just saying that we need to be cognizant of how we speak to them. If you think about it, everyone is a stranger until you get to know them. How do you teach your children that all strangers are not bad, just some. Then go on to explain how the child, with their limited understanding, can distinguish between the two. It is difficult if you put some thought into it.

What would happen if we followed the advice we gave children? What if we made sure our work was done before we relaxed at home? Brushed our teeth morning and night and then regularly flossed as well? Set out our clothes the night before to save time dressing in the morning? Would be become more productive citizens? Would we find that we are getting more done during the day because our beginning was organized? It would be interesting to compile a list of commonly stated sayings that we share with children that we might or might not actually follow closely ourselves.

So why don’t we do that? Let’s start a conversation. Please share your thoughts in the comments section and let’s get a dialogue going.